Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

Ways to promote foundational Literacy and Numeracy for Holistic Development of Children (FLN under NEP 2020)

As We Know Foundational literacy and Numeracy are the basic foundational skills which helps the children to acquire skills of Higher order in the Curriculum So it is very much essential to Promote Foundational Literacy and Numeracy for the Holistic Development of Children as per NEP 2020.But Now the Big Question in front of Us is that How we can Do this?


Yesterday I Visited an Aanganwari centre at Ward no. 7 District Poonch (J&K) and I Observe that Teacher was reciting one, Two, three…so on so forth and the students were also following her speaking loudly one, two, three….But When I asked my Nephew who is also the student of that Anganwari centre to give 3 pieces of Biscuits to me from his packet, He was unable to do so, although he can write three and speak three…..but Actually He doesnot know what “Three” is?

The Problem here is That Numbers has not been properly displayed to students…..So Instead of Just following Recitation and Cramming pattern, Teacher Must Have Shown them objects and should introduce the concept of Numbers from 1-9.

 One means one Object

 Two means Two Objects

 So on…….He/She must have followed One to one Correspondence


We always believe in “Learning by Doing”. Have we ever think that the activity which a Child is doing is joyful for him/her? I think we should believe in “Learning by Enjoying” rather than in “Learning by Doing” Only.

So Here are the few Steps Which need to be taken to Promote Foundational Literacy and Numeracy for the Holistic Development of Child.

1) Create a Joyful Learning Environment by Introducing a Unique Maths Lab for Kindergarten and primary students in which they can count toy like objects based on the papular cartoons which they use to see at home.

2) We need to add vernacular/Regional languages to teach them instead of using English or Hindi all the time. We must have a special class in the school where only Regional Language is allowed as a medium of communication with Students. Our Motive should be to Convey the concept clearly at the earlier stage in whatever language students want.

3) We can take the help of Local Games to promote numeracy among Students For example Traditional game of “Guli Danda” can be used to teach the concept that Multiplication is nothing but repeated addition.

4) We can use story/Poem Telling Method to Teach the concepts of Addition/Subtraction and a Language Teacher can better do it than a Maths Teacher.

5) We can Shift Aanganwari Centres to Schools as a Learning Corner.

6)There must be a Class of Practical Maths in our school Curriculum where a student can learn different methods of Counting,Daily life maths can be shown to students 

7)Mother Touch Should also be added by deploying more Female Teachers at Kindergarten and Primary Schools.

Note:- Respected Readers You can add more points in this regard in Comment section.





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