Innovative Teacher's Search

 Respected Teachers 

Welcome you all.

All india Ramanujan Maths Club and National Children Maths Academy India(J&K Chapter) are going to Organise different competitions for Maths and Science Teachers of  India under the Event "Innovative Teacher's Search" on Virtual Mode.

There will be Four Different Competitions

1)Teaching through TLM

2)Teaching through Story Telling.

3)Paper Presentation.


A Teacher can participate in Maximum of 2 Competitions.

Time Limit For Presentation

In all the Competitions, Time limit of 7 minutes will be Given to Participants for the presentation.

Topics For Paper Presentation(Maths/Science)

1) Use Of ICT in Teaching Maths/Science.

2) Mathematics in Architecture

3)Your Best Strategy in Teaching Concepts of G. Science.

4)Real Life Applications of Pythagoras Theorem

5)Maths & Science in NEP 2020,You Take

6)Creation of Science& Maths models with Low cost Material/Waste Materials.

7)Importance of Maths/Science in our daily life.

8)Current Inventions & Discoveries in Maths/Science

Topics for Extempore

1)Mathematics and Science in War Planning

2)Use of Maths & Science in Preserving Monuments

3)Sir Issac Newton

4)Srinivasa Ramanujan

5)Career in Maths and Science.

6)Best approaches for Learning Math facts and developing Number sense

7)Science vs Superstition

8)Common Errors & Misconceptions in Maths.

9)Origin of Zero

10)The Viruses in the modern World

Participants can present any one of the given Topics for Paper Presentation and Extempore

In TLM and Story Telling,Participants can give their Presentations on any Topic of their Concerned field(From Primary to Higher Secondary level)

Click Here for Registration

Last Date for Registration:-20th Oct 2022.

Dates of Event-26th Oct 2022 to 28 Oct 2022

Top three Position Holders in Each Competition will be felicitated By Founder of AIRMC and NCMA Dr. Chandramouli Joshi jiDr. Rajesh Thakur ji(Chairman Award Committee AIRMC) and other National Level Experts of Maths and Science.

For Any Query

Whatsapp at -9906344472,9469233426

Regards and Best wishes to All



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